Saturday, November 21, 2009

Strawberry Jam

Today I made strawberry jam.  I've been putting it off for several days but I didn't want my strawberries to go bad, so I buckled down and did it.  It hardly took any time at all.  I spent more time trying to talk myself out of doing it.  Why do we do crazy things like that?  Anyway, it was fun and really easy.  Here's the recipe:

8 cups whole strawberries, tops cut off
4 T. lemon juice
1 package pectin
7 cups sugar

Put the strawberries in a large pot.  Smash the strawberries slightly.  Add lemon juice and pectin.  Whisk until thoroughly mixed.  Bring to a boil.  Add sugar, all at once.  Stir quickly until the sugar is completely dissolved.  Bring back to a rolling boil and boil for 1 minute.  That's it!  Now ladle the jam into hot jars.  Run a plastic knife along the edges to get out any air bubbles.  Clean the rims really well with a wet paper towel.  Put on the lids and rings (not too tight).  Can in boiling water canner.  Because of the elevation where I live, I boiled the jars for 20 minutes.  Remove from pot and allow the jars to cool for 24 hours.  You will hear the sound of the jars sealing.  If after 24 hours any of the jars haven't sealed, put them in the refrigerator.

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