I probably should have started with glycerin soap rather than lye soap, but it all worked out in the end. I now have so many ideas tumbling around in my head about different kinds of decorative soaps! I'm having such fun.
Here a some pictures of my glycerin soaps in the molds and drying on newspaper after I popped them out.
I also started making candles today. I used paraffin wax with stearic acid mixed in. I used Christmas and Autumn molds because that's what I had on hand. Tomorrow I am going to try making beeswax glow lamps. I'll let you know how that works out. Let's just say, it involves water balloons and very hot wax. Scary!
Here are the candles I made today. When I took the pictures, I hadn't trimmed the wicks yet, so bear with me.
That is cool !!)
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